The training School on Current Issues and Awareness on Digital Human Rights in Coimbra (Portugal) took place from 21 to 23 September 2021. Young academics had the opportunity to learn about current topics regarding digitization from legal experts and to share thoughts with each other.
On the first day, current research contributions were presented and the participants were able to give feedback and ask in-depth questions.
The second day was dedicated to the participants’ own research. Legal scholars presented what had helped them in their own research and gave valuable tips on the stages leading up to publication.
Afterwards, participants presented their own ongoing research projects and received advice and encouragement from international members of the network.
On the last day, digital human rights were presented from a practical and professional perspective. During the entire training school, it was always possible to ask questions and discuss them. On site in the historic university city of Coimbra, the programme was excellently organised by the team. Dinner debates and guided tours were offered, which complemented the training school.