Eva Lievens is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of Ghent University, where she leads the research group Law & Technology. She is a member of the Human Rights Centre, the UGent Human Rights Research Network, the Crime, Criminology & Criminal Policy Consortium, PIXLES (Privacy, Information Exchange, Law Enforcement & Surveillance), DELTA (Digital Innovation for both Individuals and Society) and ANSER (Academic Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policy). A recurrent focus in her research relates to the legal impact of the design and deployment of technology in today’s society, human and children’s rights in the digital environment, and the use of alternative regulatory instruments, such as self-and co-regulation to regulate tech phenomena (such as Artificial Intelligence). In January 2019, together with Ingrida Milkaite, she was awarded the Stefano Rodotà award by the Council of Europe for their groundbreaking research into the child’s right to privacy and data protection in the digital age. Eva is a member of the Management Committee of the COST Action Global Digital Human Rights Network, a member of the Chamber for impartiality and the protection of minors of the Flemish Regulator for the Media, and of the Steering Board of the Flemish Knowledge Centre for Media Literacy (www.mediawijs.be). She is and has been a member of advisory committees of EU funded projects and various working groups advising the Council of Europe, the European Parliament and the federal and Flemish government (such as the Belgian expert group on fake news and online disinformation). Since January 2018, she is a member of Ghent University’s Research Council. At Ghent University, Eva teaches ‘European Law & ICT’, ‘European Media Law’, ‘Cybercrime, Technology & Surveillance’, and ‘Data Protection Law’. She is the associate editor for the International Encyclopaedia of Laws – Media Law (edited by Prof. Peggy Valcke), the IT & Law Series (T.M.C. Asser Press) and is a member of the editorial committee of Auteurs & Media (Larcier). She also contributes to the European Audiovisual Observatory IRIS newsletter for Belgium.
Universiteit Gent
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