Dr. Krista BONELLO RUTTER GIAPPONE is a Visiting Senior Lecturer at the University of Malta and a research fellow with the Centre for Critical Thought at the University of Kent. Her first degrees were in Law and the humanities. She completed her AHRC-funded Ph.D. at the University of Kent. She has published extensively in the area of (digital) game studies and has taught several courses and classes on videogames, including at the Institute of Digital Games at the University of Malta and at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. She obtained her academic qualifications as a Notary Public in Malta and is currently completing her Master of Advocacy. She is currently co-editing the book The Double Binds of Neoliberalism: Theory and Culture After 1968, with Rowman and Littlefield International (forthcoming). Her research background and interests sit at the interdisciplinary intersection between digital media, humanities, and law.