Ingvill Helland Göller is an associate professor of legal science at the University of Agder School of Business and Law where she teaches legal methods and human rights. After a period as Head of Department (2016-2019), she has now returned to research. She focuses primarily on human rights, constitutional law, and legal methods in a comparative perspective and her publications include a government report on the rights of children exposed to extreme social control (2020) as well as an edited anthology comparing legal methods in the Nordic and Germanic countries (2014). She is a member of the research group for comparative law at the University of Agder, as well as the research group for She defended her doctoral thesis in Bergen in 2012, comparing to what extent the national courts of Norway and Germany may take the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights into account in their own rulings. Helland Göller holds a law degree from the University of Bergen, Norway (2003), including a year as an Erasmus student at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, and an LL.M. from Greifswald, Germany (2006). Her master thesis focused on jurisdiction and choice of laws in cross-border cases regarding personality rights and was later published (2007).
University of Agder
Universitetsveien 19
Kristiansand S