Dr. Celia FERNÁNDEZ ALLER is a Lecturer in Law and Ethics at the Technical University of Madrid since 1998. Ph.D. in Law and Technology.
Research interests: interdisciplinary studies on a human rights-based approach, data protection, and legal implications of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things.
Postgraduate research on areas of interest, and publications in the field of privacy and human rights-based approach (Martín-Ruiz, Fernández Aller, Portillo, Del Barrio (2017) “Developing a System for Processing Health Data of Children Using Digitalized Toys: Ethical and Privacy Concerns for the Internet of Things Paradigm”. Science and Engineering Ethics.
Two patents in the EDUCERE project. Educere (2014-16), An Ecosystem for Ubiquitous Detection and Early Stimulation of Children with Developmental Disorders (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government).
She is one of the experts in charge of the definition of the Chart of Digital Human Rights for the Spanish government https://www.mineco.gob.es/portal/site/mineco/menuitem.ac30f9268750bd56a0b0240e026041a0/?vgnextoid=03cc44043bcb2710VgnVCM1000001d04140aRCRDù
Member the Advisory Board of Fundación Alternativas an the Board of Directors of ONGAWA, Ingeniería para el Desarrollo Humano (NGO).
Honorary status as visiting professor at Bristol University, UNED, and UCA El Salvador.
Academic profiles:
Technical University of Madrid
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