Barbora Baďurová, Ph.D. graduated in Social Philosophy and Applied Ethics at the Faculty of Arts Matej Bel University. Since doctoral studies of Systematic Philosophy, her publications and research activities have been focused especially on various aspects of philosophical and practical ethics (mostly environmental ethics), and Ethical Education. Among other projects related to the above-mentioned areas, she participated in project KEGA oriented on anti-bias and human rights education. She had a chance to undertake several studies, research, expert or lecture stays abroad (especially Austria, Finland, Poland, Portugal, Ireland, USA). Since 2017 she has been a member of a distinguished international organization AIPPh and 2019 of a distinguished international organization for the development of critical thinking PLATO. She is a member of the scientific council of the journal Studia Ecologiae et Bioethical. Baďurová teaches subjects focused especially on ethics, practical ethics, history of ethical theories, environmental ethics, introduction to political sciences, introduction to logic.