Alexandros Varveris has a PhD in “Secure Information Exchange between Administrations of Different Countries”, an MSc in Information Science, a Bachelor Degree in Electronics Engineering, a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science.
Regarding work experience, he is a Special Laboratory Educational Staff at the University of Athens, School of Law (1997 to present), teaching the lab of “Law and Informatics”. He has also served in several institutions and organizations, both in Greece and abroad. He has been a Collaborator at the Judicial Studies Consortium (JSC) working as a Statistical Research Analyst to the Project titled “Contribution Towards an Effective Justice” (2013 to 2015), taught Digital Libraries and Integrated Library Applications at the Department of Library Science and Information Systems, Faculty of Management and Economics at the Technical Educational Institution of Athens (2008 to 2012), also has been the Technical Director of the International Commission of Civil Status (Strasbourg, France), responsible, for more than 10ys for the electronic communication of Civil-Status Authorities among member states (2001 to 2014), also he worked in several research projects regarding, information exchange, e-health, and e-government at the National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (N.C.S.R.), Division of Applied Technologies & Research Support (1998-2008).
English French, Spanish
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Akadimias 45